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An update is also needed

Since April (insert cringe emoji- cause the site won’t let me) here is where I have been: March & April- Guatemala. May & June(1st half): Honduras. Last half of June & 1st week of August: Quarantine and Chaos (that’s a long story-that will be coming soon). August: Romania.

And now….

I’m currently in Albania. My team and I have been here since mid-August and we are here for another 2-ish weeks. Ministry here had been unlike any other ministry we have done so far.

We are doing what is called ATL:

Ask the Lord

This is a whole new realm of stepping into each day with open hands and allowing the Lord to guide you through your day.

That’s it.

Every. Single. Day.

And what do you know:

God shows up.

Every. Single. Day

My days definitely haven’t been like the days of my teammates. I actually spent the first 2 weeks feeling pretty run down and stayed home for most of my time.

But, God showed up. Because for me, my ATL: I was called to rest and to sit with the Lord and just listen.

Coming out of Romania, I was tired. Like, deep in my bones tired. During my time there I stepped into a role alongside our hosts to help organize and absolutely fell in love with what I was able to do. And it was hard, and I stayed busy.

But, God also gave me a month filled with peace and promises. He gave me a glimpse at what my life could look like after the race. Except I wasn’t allowed to actually start making any plans for my future. I was only allowed to be present. He wanted me to experience each and every moment, completely and fully. So that’s what I did.

And after settling into our home here in Albania. God gave me the freedom to dream. To start making plans for my future. I could start asking questions, and dreaming about the what ifs.

Each day He has presented me with something new.

A hard truth…. More like 2 or 10.

But He also gave me the space to search for answers and seek His will for the outcome.

I don’t think it’s time to share those plans- those dreams. At least not yet.

But, I ask for prayers for this city and the encounters we have had and will have in our final days here in Albania. I ask that you would join me in praying for the plans that are coming together for my time after the race and for the time to share it with you.

But most of all I pray for each and everyone of you. For who you are to me but most importantly who you are to God. I pray these coming days are full of joy and peace. I pray that you would feel the presence and love a little more and that it would be a comfort and loving reminder that you are loved and seen, complete and perfect in the eyes of God


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