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So it’s time a big announcement…

If you didn’t know, I am officially back in the US! I arrived on the 21st of November and have loved getting to reconnect with friends and family. This last week I have actually been in Kerrville, Texas for orientation with CTEN or Commission To Every Nation.
This was the first major stepping stone to start pursuing the path I know the Lord is calling me to.









Yes! I will be moving to Romania, Lord willing, some time around the end of April.

Why Romania?

During this last year on The World Race my Squad and I had the unexpected opportunity to go to Romania (it’s a long story on how that happened-but short answer, COVID).

While there I fell in love with, well everything and everyone. We worked alongside Hope Church doing a wide range of ministry. Even with all the different ministry opportunities, their heart and vision for the city was and is simple, to share and spread the gospel and love of Jesus.

Pretty big announcement, right!?!

I’m still figuring out all the details but I do have a new link.

As a missionary I will be support raising and would love to have you come alongside me, whether is financially or through prayer.

I will be sending out my first newsletter in the new year by good ole snail mail and I would love to send you one! DM me your address (and email address for quicker updates or announcements) if you want to be included.

I am super excited to finally share this with yall and would love to talk more or answer any questions you may have! (Meeting up to grab coffee or food-also welcome!)

And to give you an glimpse into what things will look like here are my pictures from when I was in Romania this summer.

God Bless and Merry Christmas!

5 responses to “I’ve got a pretty big announcement”

  1. Way to Go Girl!! Proud of you. Our daughter went back to Mozambique, Africa after her world race trip but had to find a Christian organization to go with. Sorry to say that she did not make a good choice and was given very, very little direction and encouragement once she was there. The Lord still used her but it could have been much better. So glad to hear that you will be working with Hope Church.
    We want to talk with you sometime in the New Year. I still have your phone as 404-805-6659. Please text me if it is something different. 404-394-5181
    It will be a while before we get in touch with you because Glen has to have surgery after being in a serious car accident November 12th. Seven cracked ribs, dislocated collarbone and two cracked vertebrae. Obviously, he is on some strong pain medication until the surgery. The orthopedic surgeon has not told us when the surgery will be yet. Appreciate prayer for him and myself. Even though our son is helping, it is taxing on me.

  2. Yayy!!! God bless you, Teressa! I just saw I’m in your profile picture! 🙂 I’m more than excited to welcome you back in Romania and give you a big hug! I’m even mode excited to see how God is going to use you in many amazing ways here! Thank you for listening to Him and loving my people and my city! ?? Extra blessings!!!